The importance of motor insulation testing should not be pushed aside or neglected. Making sure the insulation around the motor is still working efficiently is just as important as checking motors and testing their performance. This insulation is susceptible to dirt, moisture, temperature, vapors, oil, and aging. However, if the insulation is not kept in good condition, it can cause motor failures, which is much more costly and damaging, then simply testing and taking care of the insulation itself.
Testing the insulation resistance can save money through maintenance of the motor and replacement. Every time there is an issue with the motor or it needs replaced or recalibrated, maintenance crews must be paid and production must be stopped during these time periods. By testing the resistance of the insulation, these issues are less likely to occur and only the testing would need to have a regular maintenance worker, rather than halting production and having to have a group work on replacing the motor and all the connections. The following are some ways to test your insulation and keep your motor running longer.
Overall, it is important to test the resistance of your insulation on motors in order to save money on maintenance and replacing motors. To get help and see how you can implement more testing techniques talk to one of our professionals at